It’s a Struggle being So Small …

What is it really like trying to make it as a small business by yourself?

Like many others, during the first lockdown I decided to re-light my passion of art and in doing so my sister encouraged me to try creating products to then sell. What a great idea I thought! It was something to keep my mind active whilst doing something I love and perhaps make a few pennies in the process.

Mr Hare, Mr Pheasant and Mr Robin

Here are some of the very first designs that I created for Vale Art & Creation by Sophie.T

It started off well, people seemed to enjoy my art and I had a few purchases here and there which felt amazing! However, as we gradually came out of lockdown and out the other side where it was clear to me as to how many others had the exact same idea as me in creating a side hustle, not only that but getting there before me but they are now miles ahead of me too!

Since this I have really struggled with how to keep up with the business world whilst maintaining a part-time job and juggling normal life. I feel as if I am out of my depth and that maybe no-one actually likes what I do anymore - that’s it - the dreaded imposter syndrome! Never feeling like my work is good enough, that I am not doing a good enough at all the social media, why is no-one buying my art. You can take it all very personally and is definitely a hard pill to try and swallow …


This is just something that I have gradually learnt to deal with and turn it into a drive. I am not the only one with a small business that is struggling (especially with the current climate) and even though people might not be buying my art doesn’t mean that they don’t like or enjoy it, I might not be keeping up with social media because I want to try and get more personal with customers at markets and that no-one is buying my art because times are hard financially and people need to save what they can. I have to think about the fortunate place that I am in, where I have a steady part-time job and where I can spend time on my artwork afterwards but still maintain a healthy work-life balance, that I live in a beautiful part of the world (shout out to Yorkshire!) and I can’t take it for granted but I do feel I need to be more open and honest about the behind the scenes and is something I want to improve on.

So no matter how hard it gets I will not be giving up on Vale Art & Creations by Sophie.T as I believe that my brand and my artwork still have so much to offer for people. I would love to open a small stationary shop one day where I can hold small group workshops for both children and adults, create gift boxes where customers can get creative at home … the options are endless!

Leave a comment about what you love about Vale Art & Creations or what you would love to see next.

Vale Art & Creations by Sophie.T


My love for farm shops


Children’s Creative Corner